Take advantage of the cool Colorado air with a Solatube Whole House Fan
Ask about our NEW Whole House Fans and the ultimate cooling combos!
Once things cool down outdoors, crack your windows and doors where you’d like a cool breeze. Then simply press the ON button on your whole house fan remote. It’s that easy to get a fresher, cooler home in minutes. Click the video to learn more.
Whole House Fans do not recirculate the air in the home like a traditional air conditioner. Instead, the system replaces indoor air with cool fresh air by pulling outside air through the windows. At the same time, it pushes hot, stale indoor air through the attic and out the passive air vents. During warmer months, an energy-efficient whole house fan can help cool the home by up to 30 degrees and save homeowners up to 90% off their A/C bill.